Teletalk Postpaid 3G Plan and Mobile TV Service

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited is a renowned public limited cellular company in Bangladesh. With its particular aim of emphasizing common people in terms of providing high profile services at low rates, it is also famous as “Amader Phone” in whole country.

Teletalk Postpaid 3G Plan

Today, a term about Teletalk Postpaid 3G Plan has become common within the country with name as “Promotional Postpaid Package”. The real name of this promotional package for postpaid subscribers is “Gravity Postpaid package”. One of the salient features of Gravity 3G postpaid plans is its connection fee just TK. 900. The tariff of this promotional 3G Postpaid Plan is as follows.

Call Directions
Off Peak
[8 am-5 pm]
[5 pm-12 am]
Super Off Peak
[12 am-8 am]
Per Pulse 1 sec Per Pulse 1 sec Per Pulse 1 sec
Voice Call Rate Teletalk to Teletalk 1p/1s or 60p/Min 1p/1s or 60p/Min 0.5p/1s or 30p/Min
Teletalk to Others 1.5p/1s or 90p/Min 1.5p/1s or 90p/Min 1p/1s or 60p/Min
Video Call Rate Teletalk to Teletalk Tk 0.60/min Tk 0.60/min Tk 0.30/min
FNF (10 Numbers) Voice (Onnet) 0.42p/1s or 25p/Min
Voice (Offnet) 1p/1s or 60p/Min
Video Tk. 0.25 /Min
MMS Rate(100kb) Tk.1.00/MMS
SMS Rate 35p/SMS
Data Rate
(Pay Per Use)
Credit Limit / Security Deposit Tk.700/= (Non refundable)

Teletalk Mobile TV Service

There was a time when it was a dream to watch TV at Mobile Phones. However, this concept has become reality and Teletalk is one of those cellular companies which has play a pivoted role in making this dream of common people in reality. Teletalk Mobile TV Service is not only an idealistic offer for everyone in Bangladesh in terms of service, but also in terms of cost. To subscribe the Teletalk Mobile TV Service, you must have to login on

The Tariff of Teletalk Mobile TV Service is as follows.

Daily Weekly Monthly
Local Channels Tk.20 Tk.80 Tk.180
IP TV Tk.10 Tk.50 Tk.150

The procedure of balance deduction for using Teletalk Mobile TV Service is also very simple. The charges will be automatically decducted from your balance when you will use this service. However, it is feasible to wwatch TV for longtime, one you login. The reason is that, the charges of subscribing for watching of Teletalk Mobile TV is 15TK for one minute. Moreover, the VAT will be also added in this tariff with rate of 15%.

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