Ufone Golden Numbers for Sale in Pakistan

We usually hear many terms about mobile numbers like silver numbers or golden numbers. Well, it is clear from the names of these numbers that there must be some special thing in these numbers. No doubt, silver numbers and golden numbers have attractiveness due to due to either reason like repetition of same digit in one number, successive digits or successive group digits. If you still have some confusion about the exact dentition of silver and golden numbers, Ufone is here for you. This is the only Ufone that has described the precise definition of silver and golden numbers for its customers. I hope, now you can understand that why Ufone golden numbers have best selling record among all other golden numbers offered by other telecom companies in Pakistan.

Definition of Golden Numbers

According to Ufone, silver numbers are those that have repeated pair of digits like O3xx-4335566. This is the best example of silver numbers, offered by Ufone to its subscribers. In terms of golden numbers, Ufone describes the definition as; golden numbers are those that have four or more similar digits like 03xx- 4335555.

Sale of Ufone Golden Numbers in Pakistan

If you want to compare the selling record of Ufone golden numbers with golden numbers of any other telecom company, internet is the best way. Just search about golden numbers offered by mobile cellular companies, you will get the maximum selling results, only of Ufone golden numbers. The reason is that, Ufone golden numbers always fulfill the definition of golden numbers instead of just verbally claims. Moreover, the price range of Ufone golden numbers in “Special Number Auction from Ufone” is also very economical. This facility is open for every person and one can get its golden number in cheaper rate by means of online bidding at Ufone auction sites.

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