How to Get an Early Upgrade from T-Mobile

T-Mobile is ranking number 12th in global forum of mobile companies with its truly broader network that is working successfully in 10 European countries and USA. This larger network of T-Mobile is expanding rapidly with more than 150 million subscribers up till now in all these countries. T-Mobile is famous for its exclusive deals for its subscribers in terms of best call rates as well as up gradation of previous phones in cheaper rates. Today, the trend of using smart phones is highly emerging all over the world. T-mobile has brought many cool deals for its smart phone customers in the form of early up gradation. Early up gradation of your smart phone from T-Mobile is an attractive offer that you can avail in various ways. Here is the description of these different ways by which you can get an early up gradation discount from T-Mobile.

How to Get an Early Upgrade from T-Mobile

There are two ways to get an Early Upgrade from T-Mobile depends upon time duration from getting previous up gradation discount. Well, the minimum duration to avail the opportunity of early up gradation from T-Mobile is 12 months since getting your last up gradation discount. The two ways of early up gradation from T-Mobile along with qualifications and requirements are as following.

Early Upgrade

To get “Early Upgrade”, you must have 2-year contract fulfill following conditions:

  • 12-17 months from your previous upgrade
  • You must qualify the rate plan

Early Upgrade Plus

It is somewhat better opportunity to get early discount upgrade but for smart phone users.

  • 18-21 months from your most recent upgrade
  • You must be on a qualifying rate plan.


The conditions to qualify for rate plans are discussed below.

  • $29.99 or greater for a single line
  • $49.99 or greater for a shared family plan

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